The Owner

Hi! Welcome to Incan's Blue Diary

Hello! I'm Intan Mutiasari. As you know in my blog, call me Incan.
Jakarta, 12th of November 1996 and I'm proud Scorpion. As a Scorpio actually, I think I'm extremely positive Scorpion about How my mood swings fast by seconds that I had!! And my ego is big, maybe because I'm the only child in my family yaa HEHE. #Ngeles

Addicted to music esp EDM (deep house, dance, electronic), soul, r&b and also folks. EH, kayaknya gue suka semua genre deh? hahaha. I literally LOVE FOOD. I eat a LOT. anddddd Alhamdulillah I'm not that big.... FANS BERAT INDOMIE. I prefer 2 Indomie than 1 hehe. Sleep is the best Idea so far if I didn't doing anything. Gue mager-an banget PARAH.

Struggle as accounting student. I'm one of final-year student who learn a lot about true life by last these days.

I'm not a teenager no more. I feel more "JOMPO" by the day HAHA. 
I've made this blog since I was in the third grade of Junior High School. And everything (the design, the photos, the stories, etc) are too old I think. And I'm going to renew everything but I don't know how WKWKWK. 

Well, I've been long time to be a Passive blogger. I'm lost in blogger world. So, here I'm forget about how using this website LOL. Forgive my bad english. I'll try better. 


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